Monday, March 4, 2013

cake ('n) walk

Along with running errands daily with my dad, Pat has been enjoying Sara's delicious homemade chocolate cake (like, a LOT of it!), and walking the Big Guy.

Lets hope for better weather SOON so that Sara can safely transport another chocolate cake down from Calgary, and mom can walk with Leo on snow-free paths!


  1. Looking good....Pat and the cake :-)

  2. Eat away Pat! You are looking great! Hope we can get together very soon.

  3. Hi Pat! Am so GLAD to hear you are recovering from cancer and chemo. You are a 'beacon' for the rest of us with your courage. I heard that you had cancer before Christmas and my thoughts have been with you. I am in touch with your grand daughter's other grandma and that is how I heard. Small world. We are living in Calgary now. Hope your recovery keeps on positively.

    1. Forgot to say...previous comment by Cheryl Moller, your son's former teacher!!

    2. Hi Pat
      we hope the Easter Bunny dropped off a bunch of egggs and goodies for you.
      Keep that beautiful smile on your face and that twinkle in your eyes. Hope to see you before too long.
      Our best wishes and prayers..Bert and Ev

  4. Hi Pat,
    Bert and I are thinking of you a lot lately. It was good to see you out shopping at Safeway a few weeks ago. I enjoyed seeing the photos on your blog...thankyou, Sara and Lisa (and whoever is putting them on)! with love..Happy Easter to all of you.
