Thursday, February 7, 2013

special guest post

Someone wanted to send y'all a message...

"I continue to be grateful for all the prayers and positive thoughts shared through this blog, text messages, email messages, phone calls, scrapbook messages, small gifts and home visits. Leo agrees with meds anyone could have!" - Pat

As you can see in the photo, the love that you are sending her way, is doing great things. Our whole family thanks you, including big Leo. ;)


  1. So glad you feel loved and surrounded by care. My rest days at cabin were a good choice. On way to Calgary right now - Mike got off a little early. Fly out Sat AM to Cancun. Excited...Val xo

  2. You are so easy to love Pat! So proud of you. Keep on trucking! Xoxo

  3. Sending a big aloha your way. Keep on keeping on. Love ya!
    Deb and Kath
